Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm back!

Wow. Two years in between blogs, and reading back, I see that I am muddling along with pretty much the same likes and dislikes. (Yes to reading and music, huge no’s to shopping and cold. I read more. That’s good. I’ve retired. That’s very good. I clean even less. That’s not good, but my time always seem to be filled, and since the guys don’t clean up after themselves, I don’t feel bad about it (most days.) I have reconnected with a bunch of wonderful people from high school, which is a fabulous thing. Nothing like being 63 and feeling 17 again. We celebrated our 45th reunion last September, and while feeling a lot of trepidation leading up to the weekend of the festivities, attending was one of the best gifts I ever gave myself. I have become Facebook friends with a number of established authors in all genres, am collecting writing tip websites, and in the last few weeks have penned 15,000 words on that novel I started with a mere paragraph and an idea, five years ago. Yesterday, I took a leap of faith and strictly as a challenge to myself, entered a 250 word ‘take this start of a story to the next step’ competition. It took forever to get the guts to hit the submit button, but I did, and will accept any and all constructive comments I receive. I have taken on the accounting/inventory/billing/payables system at my husband’s office, in preparations of tying it all together and teaching it to the masses when they finish moving the end of this month. I have yet to lose weight or stick to an exercise training program, but I figure when it really matters to me I will. Right now I am very happy with the me that is, and see no reason to change for someone else. Stick around, as I make a concerted effort to weekly (I hope) update my blog with bits of goofiness and occasional wisdom from the life of an overaged child.

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