To the fetus who kept me on my left side for over a month to ensure his well being.
The newborn I didn't see for 30 hours after his birth, and subsequently had to leave in the hospital when I was discharged. (Taken by the nurses in NICU so I had something until I was unhooked from machines and wheeled down to see him the day after he was born)
The infant with colic, milk issues, and who took several years to sleep more than 3-4 hours a night on a steady basis.
The miracle I would sit and look at for hours on end, even when I was so tired I would nod off while giving him a bottle.
The toddler who never teethed well, to the point that his father would bounce a ball off the door, let it hit him in the head, and while the kid was laughing, I'd shove a spoon of mashed potatoes in his poor hurting mouth.
To the kid I sometimes called Earache instead of Eric because of his many ear infections.
To the kindergartner who was so smart with calendar math that his teacher was amazed...the same kid who required a math tutor in high school.
To the first grader who went a year without front teeth because they were kicked out by the kid he was following up the slide too closely at recess.
To the charming 8 year old who, when I would not give him a cookie from the batch I was baking, changed to his Sunday go to meetin' clothes (complete with clip on tie), slipped out of the house with a clipboard, a pen, and a piece of paper and rang the doorbell proclaiming he was from a company looking for good cooks, my name was given as a good cookie maker, and asked for a sample. The little con artist got his cookie and I still have the paper with my name, address, and the comment good cookie maker on it.
To the sweet, loving child who turned on me around age 12-13, into a sullen, totally unlikable teenager.
To the young man who gets his heart broken far too easily, breaking mine in the process, as I help him grieve.
To the young man who is not too proud to admit he loves his mom and dad, and daily gives us both a hug and kiss. (Of course I threatened to beat him if he ever felt too big in the britches to show his affection freely.)
Happy birthday to my son who daily gets on my nerves, and without whom I would be lost, for I have loved him with all I have, from the night I knew he was miraculously conceived.
May your life be full of joy and health. I love you more than I can say, kiddo.
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