Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What's on my Desk, May 1, 2017

This will probably either show true genius or reveal what a slob I am, because I have not looked through the desk prior to writing.  Let’s get started.

The 40th and 45th high school reunion yearbooks from 2008 and 2013 respectively. Why are those out? For the same reason my 1968 senior yearbook is on the floor to my right….trying to figure out who I’m talking to on Facebook.

An “Important Safety Recall” for my 2007 Honda CRV, telling me that the “driver frontal airbag could produce excessive internal pressure upon deployment” in which case, metal fragments could burst thru and implant themselves into my brain. That could only help, according the the family.

A check from the state of Kansas for $40.62, for which no reason is given.  I hesitate to cash it for fear that in ten years, they will have found it was sent in error and ask for it back, along with $3,986.35 extra for penalties and interest.

A large number of Explanation of Benefits from Blue Cross Blue Shield detailing payments made to my physical therapist and what portion is my responsibility. Guess what….the therapist gets my portion up front. No need to tell me what I owe. Truly now, why do I pay these people to make me hurt? Shouldn’t they pay me for the privilege? Serious case of BDMS there. Since I am learning to walk again, I am Bound in a gait belt, Dominated over by a Sadistic therapist, and then my Masochistic self keeps going back.

Care instructions from the ophthalmologist for eye care after my YAG capsulotomy on March 27. (Why it wasn’t with the eyedrops in the nightstand, I cannot explain.)

Receipt from the surgical center for my co-pay on the above procedure.

A reminder from the hospital that it is past time for my annual boob smashing episode.

Thank you notes from the nieces and nephews for Christmas presents.

An empty plastic sack.

One salt and one pepper shaker.

One lipstick, color 265.

A yellow, extra light tension gripmaster for gaining strength in my fingers.

Bose headphones and the iPod to computer cord.

A large number of bank statements.

A book of various sized post-it notes.

Scotch tape.

An empty Alka Seltzer Plus cough and cold box containing a thermometer, 2 mascaras, lip gloss (color unknown), a staple puller, 3 plastic knives, 2 plastic sporks, 1 plastic fork, and 2 plastic spoons.


A thumb drive

Eyeglasses cleaner

A nearly empty tube of Dr. Pepper chapstick that is too low to use, but can still be sniffed.

2014 tax returns.

A small bit of Santa paper left over from wrapping presents on top of the laptop.

A compact brush that is supposed to be in my purse.

A 3 ounce can of WD40.

The rim that fell off of the ceiling light fixture above the desk.

Imitation pearl necklace. This one really bothers me since I don’t wear jewelry, and have never owned an set of pearls, imitation or otherwise. I can only surmise they were in the junk/ broken jewelry box my dad gave me when mom died in 2001 and that was all I kept.

A pencil and a pen.

A pair of white flip flops.

A spray bottle of Cepacol

My son’s extra dental ID card

Pistachios waaaaay past their prime

Two cameras with dead batteries

Sunglasses case. (The sunglasses are downstairs, crammed into the glasses case along with the glasses.)

Philosophy Falling in Love cologne spray

Resolve spray carpet cleaner

Hand cream

Facial cream

Volume IV of the collected plays of Neil Simon

Savannah Breeze by Mary Kay Andrews

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

A recipe for Martha Stewart’s Meatloaf 101

A pad of note paper

A bible

Several magazines, all under the books and I don’t feel like getting up to lift the books to see.

1-1/2 pair earrings (don’t ask)

24” gold chain with my parent’s wedding rings

½ bottle super glue

Black electric tape

Dental floss

A pink marker

A ceramic Daffy Duck pen hold containing 1 pencil, 1 pen, and a straw

Six quarters, five pennies, and 2 nickels

Enough dust to create a few sculptures.

In 2023, I shall compare this list to see what remains on the desk.

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