Friday, February 10, 2017

A Sincere and Long Overdue Thank you and Love Letter

There are times when I take the most wonderful people and things they do for granted. We all do it. I have, as far as I can remember, rectified the situation with a heartfelt apology and a well thought out plan to not do it again. I believe that I have succeeded 99.9% of the time, but there is still one apology to be made.

Kaldi, I never knew about you, and yet for years, have taken your discovery for granted, never once giving you the appreciation and love you deserve. I realize that we have never met, being separated by centuries and half a world, but, still….Kaldi, I love you. Sincerely, madly, and deeply. It was you, the simple Ethiopian goat herder who noticed the increase in energy of your precious charges after eating berries from a small tree. You took those magic berries to the local monastery and told them the story. The abbot, tired and unable to stay awake during the long hours of prayers, boiled some of the magic berries and drank the potion. It kept him up all night, and he was so pleased, he shared the magic drink with the other monks, greatly enhancing their devotional abilities to long hours of prayer. It was a true miracle.

This miracle potion is the elixir of life. The sun in my shine. The reason I get up in the morning. The true Love of My Life. The juice of Jack’s magic beanstalk berries.


>bows head reverently and gives thanks<

So Kaldi, thank you for your astute observation of your precious goats, thank you for taking them to the monastery, and thank you, dear abbot, for having the revelation to boil them into a drink. It is because of both of you that I have remained felony free for so many years.